
World Vision – Gifts for a Life

Gifts For Life

Project Description

Retail & Brand & Digital Environments

Develop a series of Branded Environment within the retail spaces that allowed Child Sponsorship products to be displayed at various shopping centres throughout Australia.

It was clear that a marketing strategy was needed to justify the creative intent and allow for the range of products to be positioned appropriately before going to market.


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The metaphor “Gifts, for a Life” was established, acting as a vehicle that would allow the complete range of products to be represented within retail. The retail space also had the flexibility to be altered according to different sales seasons and newly introduced product lines.

Retail Design & Branding


: Branding and brand origination was explored firstly to justify the metaphor “Gifts, for a Life”. Two beautifully designed retail stores which had experiential marketing and shopper marketing consideration for both hot spots, temporary locations, in Sydney and Melbourne. Displaying the World Vision Child Sponsorship and World Vision ‘Gifts’ products in a beautifully designed retail designs. An uplift in sales numbers and deeper level of engagement, was achieved through web and digital design received with consumers/supporters.


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